Quote Originally Posted by Tahoe

Come on Joe, say something stupid or something and the press will talk about you or something.
ask and you shall receive

Biden asks Politician in Wheelchair to "Stand Up"

Sen. Joe Biden offered a good example today of the difficulty of a national presidential campaign. Candidates are rushed from site to site (Biden left Columbia for St. Louis), often hitting more than one state per day. And while mostly sticking to their stump speeches, they try to recognize local politicians and sprinkle their speeches with local references.

Biden slipped a bit during the introductions, through no fault of his own. In introducing local elected officials, from Ninth District Congressional candidate Judy Baker to former Gov. Roger Wilson, Biden tried to give a special recognition to Sen. Chuck Graham of Columbia.

"Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden says. He was a bit chagrined when he realized that Graham uses a wheelchair. He recovered quickly and told the crowd to "stand up for Chuck." The crowd responded with a standing cheer for Graham.