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Thread: Terrorist plots to blow up US bound planes, foiled by British

  1. #1

    Terrorist plots to blow up US bound planes, foiled by British


    holy bejeezus.

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States on Thursday raised its terror threat level after British police said they had arrested more than 20 suspects in a major terrorist plot to blow up passenger jets flying between the United Kingdom and the United States.

    The foiled plot was "intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable scale," Metropolitan Police Deputy Commissioner Paul Stephenson said.

    The intelligence that uncovered the plot "makes very strong links to al Qaeda," a senior U.S. administration official told CNN.

  2. #2
    looks like if you're flying in the next few days, avoid bringing anything liquid aboard the plane. the terrorist scheme was to put together some sort of liquid bomb. freakin' scary.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    They actually had a video ad for the World Trade Center movie in the yahoo story, but it looks like they've removed it.

    Last edited by Glenn; 08-10-2006 at 08:11 AM.

  4. #4
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    All I've read so far is that it may involve British Pakistanis, chemical explosives, and blowing up planes in waves of three. Hopefully, some more details will be forthcoming. I'd like to believe the right thing has been done.

  5. #5
    I'm sure even though this is a huge capture, people will dismiss it as minor. It's sad that the only way this would have gotten more attention is if they would have succeeded.

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  6. #6
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    A U.S. official who asked not to be further identified said United Airlines, Continental Airlines and American Airlines had been specifically targeted for attack.
    Note the words being used (not sure we got them all) and actions they're taking (high alert -after- the arrests) don't inspire a lot of confidence that they truly know they've done the right thing. This could mean anything from "just being cautious" to "we might've missed someone who has a deadly Plan B" to "oops, we're not sure we have the right people at all, if there are any". As I said, I hope they got this right.

  7. #7
    But we should pull out of Iraq and let terrorist insurgents take over there.

  8. #8
    And, Anthony, this is why I side with Isreal...Notice, there weren't any Jews trying to blow me up.

  9. #9
    UxKa's Avatar
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    rollin through your neighborhood, middle finger up
    for the record, 24 were arrested and 5 are still at large. the 5 are considered to be the ringleaders, tipped off by the early arrests in pakistan because those terrorists were about to go into hiding so the pakistani police had to act fast and didnt notify the english police in time. no liquids at all will likely be allowed on planes anytime soon, from water to coffee to baby formula to toothpaste. also anything with a battery such as watches, laptops, cameras, handheld video games, or even batteries themselves.

    i was going to post about this anyway but i saw the thread already started, here is what i was going to say...

    ive reached a point where i just dont want to fly anymore. anywhere in the states and ill just drive. if i do have to fly, im literally going to talk to the people next to me while were still on the runway. im basically going to say hey, no offense, but ive got my eye on you. if you do anything funny, i will break your arm. you better not pass anything off to another passenger, and ill be watching if you reach for anything. if its a 20 hour flight, im not gonna sleep so dont think about it. i dont care if youre arab, white, black, latino, asian, eskimo, or anything else... youre being watched closely. and ill be freakin out the whole time anyone gets up to pee lol. its sad, but its pretty much where its at with me. im not going down because a couple unarmed shits wanna blow up the plane. i will be the first to jump on someone thats about to fuck something up, which youre probably thinking is easy to say now but 'what about when it happens?'... hey id rather get punched a couple times or stabbed before my plane goes down. i got some fight training under my belt and the risk is minimized by the reward. but anyway, probably wont be flying anytime soon either way. thats my three cents.

  10. #10
    Why you put the arab first! Huh?

    LMFAO. Just kidding. I'd be scared shitless if I sat next to an arab.
    And I agree with your three cents. Dont know if i'd actually get up though. I might. Fuck goin down like a bitch.

    The last few years we've had drills at school of what to do incase there was a terrorists in our school (which involved shutting the lights off and running under the desk. DUCK AND COVER! LMFAO) Anyways, my black friend hated doin it, and told the teacher that if a terrorists came into the school, just have - and I quote - "Anthony speak they language. He'd talk to em"
    Who says he's going to be Arabic, mother fucker? LMAO

    But really, as much as I dont like Bush, while you'll never win a war on terror, you can always prevent shit like this happening.

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