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Thread: Is there a better feeling......(poker story)

  1. #1

    Is there a better feeling......(poker story)

    ....busting an asswipe who calls you out for making (what he thinks) is a dumb play? i can't stand guys like that.

    i was playing online and involved in a hand. the board showed: 8, J, 8, K, 8. it was a fairly small pot (like $2). no real betting, but on the river, someone over bets the pot ($5). i've got K10, so i've got a boat and the bet looks like he's just buying the pot. he could have the J, of course. i call and he turns up an 8. sure, it was a loose call on my part, but i'm looking at 1 card in the whole deck that beats me. i didn't think he had AA, because he would have bet on the flop or turn.

    anyways, this dummy at the table (big stack....like 5 times everyone else) starts saaying, "what a stupid call, it was SO obvious he had the 8." i show him my king nd tell him that i don't think it was a bad call.

    fast forward a few hands and i flop trips. he's in the hand and tries to bully me out. i keep betting and calling his raises. he goes all-in on the river to scare me off. i just wish i had more money to call him i call and he doubles me up. just to rub it in, i stand up from the table and tell him thanks for the lunch money.

    man, that felt gooooooood.

    (and yes, i've become everyone's favorite poker-story-guy )

  2. #2
    Nice. so what did he have? 4of a kind?

    I love poker stories and someone said that KK always loses to AK. I ignored that and thought to myself, nah its only them. FUCK lost a hand there.

    Just the other day, I got $50 from poker.

    Matt what site do u use for online poker?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Cross
    Nice. so what did he have? 4of a kind?

    I love poker stories and someone said that KK always loses to AK. I ignored that and thought to myself, nah its only them. FUCK lost a hand there.

    Just the other day, I got $50 from poker.

    Matt what site do u use for online poker?
    the guy was on a draw on the second hand, where i doubled up.

    i've been playing on pokerroom.com lately.

  4. #4
    btw, anyone interested in getting a WTFD game going? pokerroom.com lets you create a private table and we can do it for play money. if there's enough interested we can try to set up a time and day

  5. #5
    I'd play and lose. The kind of player that makes everyone happy.

  6. #6
    So me and my friend were playing poker, one guy lost his money so it was basically one on one.

    On the flop was a 2d, 3, clubs, and 5 diamonds.

    I had a 3d and a 7clubs.

    Friend raises a little bit, called it.

    Turn is a...3!! a FUCKING 3!!!

    He raised a little bit, I raised more.

    River is a QD.

    I put enough to make my friend go all in which s till left me with still quite alot.

    He calls it...im thinking WTF?

    I show him my trips, he says he has trips to, not showing his cards. So I say oh its probably a push then, but no. He shows his pocket Q's...

    Some rounders shit right there. sad sad night for me

  7. #7
    *points and laughs*

    Are you driving a truck now, and waiting for your friend to get out of jail?

  8. #8
    Langlois Insider Vinny's Avatar
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    If anyone plays on Paradise, I've been playing in the pineapple games there and there's some pretty good action lately. It's a version of hold-em, basically the same except that you're dealt three cards each and you discard one after the flop. Pretty simple to learn after you play a couple of hands.

    They really only get 1-2 limit games going but I was bored a couple weeks ago so I checked it out. I've been pretty easily winning like 20-30 bucks an hour since. Not a fortune but not bad for a hobby.

    The people who play it on there are crazy. Due to the nature of the game, there's usually a straight, a flush and a boat possibility on every flop, so you'll get alot of people staying and calling bets all the way to the river. Makes for an occasional bad beat but in the long run you end up ahead as long as you stay patient.

    For example, more than once, I've gotten pocket aces (pocket pairs come ALOT since you get three cards to choose from), flopped a nut boat, and had the betting capped with raises all three rounds, with 3-4 people staying at least to see the river card. Makes for some nice pots.

    I'm reppin' Jesus Christ and Conservative views....

    Quick piece by VINNY which was a logo style of his. VINNY also did two letter throw up's by the name of FI 2.


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