Well, like it or not I'm back after a few months off and I can't hold back any longer. If Joe D isn't willing to fix the mess he has made than it's time for him to go. Here are my reasons why:

1) It was a stupid, stupid, stupid move to go with an unproven first year head coach when you had a team that was still a Championship contender. This was especially bad since there were several decent coaches available.

2) Keeping Curry is an even worse mistake. Curry is clueless as a coach and just about everyone knows it. Curry was brought in as he supposedly had the players respect. The opposite has happened. the team is in chaos and not once have I heard Curry take any of the blame. He has been erratic with his line-ups and playing time for his youngsters. Some blame could be placed on the trade but even Philly and Denver were playoff teams with Iverson and they didin't have nealry as good a supporting cast.

3) Joe's drafting has been mediocre at best. There's the whole Darko and Rodney White pick ups but more importantly he got almost nothing with last years picks. The "prospects" aren't even any good.

4) Joe failed to acquire anyone at the trade deadline. I think that we could have gotten Chandler for Sheed and although it lessens our cap, it would give us a young and legit 7'+ center. It is obvious that character players, even expiring ones such as Wilcox or Joe Smith were available. We did nothing.

5) Joe is the GM. This team has quickly turned into a laughing stock and it is his responsibility. Instead of action Joe has decided to sit on his hands and hope that something pans out in free agency. The only problem with that is that nobody wants to play for a joke of a team with an awful coach unless we overpay them. I'm pretty sure that the Knicks have shown everyone what a bad idea that is!

Please discuss and decide how much of this mess is Joe's fault