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Thread: Who will replace JLS?

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Who will replace JLS?

    First off, I'm a MSU alum.

    Next off, I'm not claiming to have any inside connections or anything, but even I know that generally speaking the alumni never liked the JLS hiring.

    Add to that the fact that he really hasn't endeared himself to the fan base at the grass roots level (speaking engagements, charity events, alumni association functions, etc.) to the extent that I think a head football coach at a school like MSU needs to.

    Fast forward a bit and ask yourself how much better off the program is on the field than it was when he got here. Not much of a difference at all IMO.

    So rather than discussing the merits of him being fired, which I think he will be, I'd like to focus on potential replacements.

    Do they go big name? Young "up and comer"? Somebody with MSU roots?

    All valid questions.


    I have no idea, I'd just be pulling them out of a hat.

    Brian Kelly? Lou Holtz? Jim Harbaugh? (wouldn't that be a coup?) Pat Hill?

    I'll hang up and listen to those of you that follow this stuff more than I do.
    Find a new slant.

  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I guess I would be remiss by not mentioning Mooch.

    In fact, that could be a slam dunk.
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Damn, I thought I had hit at least a few hot buttons there.

    What about Ty Willingham?

    At one time I would have thought leaving Washington for MSU would be a no brainer, a step up. Now? I'm not so sure.

    He is a Sparty Alum, however.
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    How about this guy?

    He should be free after the season.

  5. #5
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Low blow.

    But well played.
    Find a new slant.

  6. #6
    I think Mooch will be the leading canidate, but early in the season (which may have changed as time passed) Barry Alavarez said in several interviews he made a mistake he didn't realize was a mistake until the season started he still wants to coach. While I think it is unlikley that Barry coaches this quick again he would be a guy to call since he is familar with the area, recruiting, pressure and style of the Big Ten.

    To me the guy to go after is Butch Davis, he is a great recruiter knows what it takes build winners and can sell guys on his ability to get them to the NFL. Butch rebuilt Miami and should have won the championship Coker did in his absence. However our biggest competition for Davis may end up being Miami if they fire Coker.

  7. #7
    Super Cogent Jethro34's Avatar
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    Here's my question with the whole thing: will the move improve the team?

    I ask that because while John L can't coach that well, he has put in a solid offensive system and he's a pretty good recruiter.
    So let's say Mooch comes in with the WCO. Now that all State fans have puked, can you imagine that? Would you lose the Nichol commitment? Others? But maybe you would gain some commits. It seems that NFL coaches going to the NCAA get some serious love from commits. Al Groh, Weis, Callahan, obviously Carroll, are all examples of NFL coaches that got big love in the NCAA.
    But will State be able to get an NFL guy there? Consider the other possible openings and ask yourself, why would they take the State job? Why subject yourself to competition every year from 3 of the greatest programs in history, while battling them for recruits?
    So I sit here not entirely convinced that their next coach can really do better.

    That being said, I vote John Cooper!
    We had subs. It was crazy.

  8. #8
    Jethro, a great coach can win anywhere. You come in, make changes, find "some" success and then get recruits to buy in. I don't even have to list examples, they are everywhere.

    When John L. was hired I was in Jethro's basement and I was extremely pissed. They needed a discipline guy and John L's Louisville team led the country in penalties. I was wrong about John L. in many ways though. He did clean up the program big time. He also brought the most exciting offense I could have dreamed of. But, his faults kept him from success. I don't think his reign is officially over. A 8-4 season is still very possible if he can somehow keep the guys excited. I wouldn't count on it, but if you look at the schedule following the OSU game, they are all very winnable. Actually they "should" win every one of them going into PSU. But, we know they blow everything. I'm just saying it's possible.

    But, if he gets fired, I have to return to my dream of 4 years ago when I thought about how great it would be to have Mooch. The only thing that has changed that dream is his offense. He is a big name, NFL experience and success, and I imagine he could recruit very well. He reminds me of Izzo alot. Izzo and Mooch teaming up at MSU would be a combination that I would be very proud of. I don't want the WCO though! Nobody does and I'm not ready to let go of the MSU offense that I love to watch. With that being said, this MSU job would be Mooch's to lose.

    Butch Davis would be another very exciting hire. I would love to see him come to State and turn things around. He's got the name and he's got the respect factor. That would be another solid hire.

    I wouldn't want Ty. If you can't win at Notre Dame, you can't win anywhere. ND has the tradition, the easy sell for recruits, if you can't use that then you aren't the man for the job.

    I don't want a no name. John L. was a no name for me. I know the program isn't what it used to be in the 60's when State was a national powerhouse and its not even close to what it was in the late 80's, early 90's when we won back to back BT titles. However, it is huge Big Ten school whose fans are starving for a winner. Anybody that comes in and is able to turn things around would become a legend in the minds of Spartan fans, much like Izzo has become.

    So I guess my vote would be Mooch or Davis.

  9. #9
    I want someone who is at least fairly proven, so here is who's on my list:

    Butch Davis - umm, duh.
    Mooch - He needs to have a different offense, but could probably bring in a good DC at a minimum, NO WCO.
    Todd Grantham - DC Browns - MSU guy, recruited and coached D under Saban, a DC in the NFL. Would be a long term option.
    Saban - Rumors(I'm assuming from idiots, but not sure) have him being fired and looking to return to MSU. Lots of burned bridges, but he would have credibility, a take charge attitude, a defense, and could recruit.
    Josh McDaniels - Some questions still, IMO, but a REALLY young OC for the Pats, major credibility from that, tough to know who all would be on the staff, but a high potential guy, MSU guy too.
    Gene Chizik - probably the hottest name on any coaching list right now. Has created 3 great defenses(UCF, Auburn, Texas), and has been a large part of multiple undefeated teams recently, could be out of MSU's league though.
    Bo Pellini - LSU's DC, very good DC, something that wouldn't hurt for us.
    Ty Willingham - He is good at Washington, has discipline on his teams, and always at least competent teams. MSU connections, and would at a minimum make MSU a 7-5 every year team, which would allow MSU to move up with the next pickup after him, just due to stability.

    Paul Johnson - probably not the guy for us, he seems like he is PERFECT for a service acadamy, other places, I'm not so sure.
    The guy from TCU, at least worth a look.

    Dream - Chizik or Davis.
    Reasonable wants - Mooch/Grantham/Willingham

    Mark Dantonio - MSU Head Coach


  10. #10
    I wish John L. would be fired right now. I'm sick of his penalty plagued football. I'm sick of his happy go lucky attitude when his team is playing ridiculous. I do not remember him ever getting on a player for making a mistake. State started this game today with a great opportunity, fumble, great screen, and they make 3 straight mistakes. They show him on the sideline and he's not saying a word.

    I'm tired of this guy. Fire him NOW.

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