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Thread: Just a question

  1. #1

    Just a question

    I am curious as to why alumni from other schools (e.g. EMU, SVSU, etc.) become fans of UM? You have no affiliation to the school and actually graduated from another. Do you want to associate yourself with a "winner"? Do you switch allegiances when the victory wind blows in another direction? Is it just the football program?

    I root for MSU because I have two degrees from the university, its my school. Therefore, I stick with the Spartans through thick and thin.

    One more question. Why do those who root for UM, but are alumnists of a regional high school, always try to dog the academic credibility of MSU? Granted, UM is overall a more highly ranked university, but MSU certainly isn`t chopped liver. In some cases MSU`s programs rank higher than UM`s. MSU is ranked in the Top 100 universities in the world. UM is ranked higher, but again, MSU isn`t chopped liver by any measure.

  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I grew up a UM fan all through childhood.

    When it came time for college, I chose the in-state school that had the best program in the area that I was interested in (Advertising) and that was MSU. That was purely a career decision and it had nothing to do with sports (and the fact that most of my buddys were also going to MSU).

    I stayed true to my lifelong love of UM sports and never switched my allegiances just because I got my degree from MSU.

    I think MSU is a fine school, it's just fun to make fun of because so many MSU sports fans are so insecure about the perception that they are "inferior". It's fun to play off that.
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    I went to CMU, if that isn't obvious. I root for U of M football and MSU basketball. not because they win, but what they stand for.

    I didn't root for U of M when they were good with the fab 5, or with Glenn Rice. I liked Steve Smith, Shawn Respert, Jamie Fieck, all those guys. I liked the hard nose gritty guys better than the flashy fab five. I continue to like them thru the Izzo era. I like the toughness and rebounding mentality.

    That is what I like about U of M football. I like the smash mouth run the football style. It's not about what team wins, it's about whether that team respresents your passion in a football team.

    And it's not just college either. I hated the Cowboys of the 90's. So what if they won? They were punks. I've typpically rooted for teams that couldn't win it all. My favorite NFL team growing up was the Bills with Kelly, Reed, Thomas, etc. They never won it all, but I didn't care. I liked their heart. I loved it when Don Bebe ran down a taunting Leon Lett and stole the ball from him on the 1 yard line to cause a touch back instead of a TD.

    I guess I sort of agree with the original post. I think it sucks to root for a team because they win. Root for a team that you like the style of and what they stand for.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  4. #4
    I'm on your side when it comes to who I root for, die-hard Spartan since I was 7.

    However, I think the whole "you didn't go to school there" thing is stupid (no offense). People choose the college that is right for them and their future. Most of us grew up either State fans or Wolverine fans. We didn't wait until we attended to become fans.

    When the time came to choose a school, we chose one that worked for us (size, location, majors, affordability, etc.) Just because someone didn't go there doesn't mean they shouldn't be a fan. In fact, those that grew up fans are generally more die hard than those that became fans once they attended.

    I was accepted and good to go at State, however I switched last minute to SVSU because of size, location, job, friends, etc..

    In regards to the inferiority junk that Glenn threw out, the only people that believe that are U of M fans. We aren't insecure Glenn, we're sick of arrogant U of M fans claiming they are "the leaders and the best." So when you throw that out, you get a big reaction because we can't stand the arrogant UM bullshit.

  5. #5
    And MSU isn't chopped liver in academics either. They are a great school and better than U of M in many areas as well. Anyone that mixes academics into their trash talk probably isn't creative enough to rip on the team itself.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  6. #6
    Super Cogent Jethro34's Avatar
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    First, let me point out the glass house. This forum's strongest MSU fan graduated from the same institution I did.

    As for why I attended SVSU, I always planned on getting a masters degree and didn't want to spend the money to go to a different school. I already owned a house in Saginaw at the time so it was an easy choice. I could have gone to a number of other schools, but the commute and cost of tuition was not worth it to me.
    When I returned for my teaching certificate prior to the masters, I had the choice between SVSU, CMU and MSU. Again, the convenience of keeping my family in Saginaw stood out. From asking around, certificates earned at other institutions did NOT come with any higher degree of prestige.
    It is likely I will complete my masters at SVSU as well.
    When I eventually work on my doctorate, I suppose I will have a difficult decision to make.
    Most of my family earned the bachelors degrees from Michigan, so it is in my blood.
    To be honest, I find that more often than not people are fans of the school they were raised to cheer for. My daughter is not yet two and wears Maize and Blue often.
    Consider the number of people Michigan admits from the state versus the number State admits. If only people who attended the school could be fans, State fans in this area would easily outnumber Michigan fans.

    Yes, Michigan fans who did not attend Michigan have made fun of State's academics before. Often State is more prestigious academically compared to the institution they attended, so it may not be a wise path. Admitted.

    As for me, Michigan was never an option. My test scores are sufficient but I blew off high school. I graduated with a B- average because I really didn't care at the time. I've sustained an A- average through my years of college and I'm happy with my career and my substantially lower student loan payments. I had the option of earning an Associates and could have easily gone to State after that, but you wouldn't have caught me dead in EL. Zero interest.

    As for switching allegiances, I've never cheered for another D1 program in all my 32 years. Again, refer back to the fact there are thousands of State fans guilty of the exact thing you're accusing many of us of.
    It's easy to point at Michigan, however, because they are a marketing force worldwide. You travel around the world and you'll see Michigan and Notre Dame just about anywhere. There are other schools as well, but Michigan is one of the top schools for apparel. That means there are people buying Michigan stuff that may not even know where Michigan is. I don't exactly think that's a good thing, but hey, marketing is marketing and money is money. Call the school the great whore of the earth if you want, but never accuse me of switching allegiances.

    Got enough of my story now? If you find some fault with it, insert Tre's story.
    We had subs. It was crazy.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DrTre11
    In regards to the inferiority junk that Glenn threw out, the only people that believe that are U of M fans. We aren't insecure Glenn, we're sick of arrogant U of M fans claiming they are "the leaders and the best." So when you throw that out, you get a big reaction because we can't stand the arrogant UM bullshit.
    But is that any different than the thousands of fans holding up their finger yelling we're #1 every week, even though they are not? What about us calling it Hockeytown, when there are probably better fans in Toronto, Montreal, Boston, etc? You can call it arrogance, you can also call it school pride. Those are both ways to look at it. If their slogan was "the best school in Michigan" then that is pure arrogance. But to say you are #1 isn't IMO. I think it's just school pride. Yes, it can be annoying though.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  8. #8
    Super Cogent Jethro34's Avatar
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    It's not arrogant to say "We can hang in your sport, can you hang in ours." It's not arrogant for the missing link to grin the size of a small town during a stat-padding blowout. It's not arrogant to celebrate another school's NCAA violations, the likes of which you love so much because without it the victories might be a little harder to come by. No, only a line in a song written in a previous centurt can be considerred arrogant.

    Moving on from the arrogance topic. Next stop: hypocracy. Oh wait, we've spent at least 3 years trying to dodge that bullet.
    We had subs. It was crazy.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jethro34
    It's not arrogant to say "We can hang in your sport, can you hang in ours." It's not arrogant for the missing link to grin the size of a small town during a stat-padding blowout. It's not arrogant to celebrate another school's NCAA violations, the likes of which you love so much because without it the victories might be a little harder to come by. No, only a line in a song written in a previous centurt can be considerred arrogant.

    Moving on from the arrogance topic. Next stop: hypocracy. Oh wait, we've spent at least 3 years trying to dodge that bullet.
    Everyone says they are the best, brags when they win, blah blah blah. The difference with UM fans is actually trying to claim that another school is "inferior." It's over the top. Maybe Glenn throws it out to get under people's skin, but many UM fans actually believe it which is pretty arrogant/funny/annoying.

    Jethro, I like how you claim "without the sanctions Spartan victories might be a little harder to come by." LMAO! Do a little research, we beat Michigan by 52 long before the sanctions were ever handed down. The dominance was well under way with or without your UM cheating ways.

  10. #10
    Super Cogent Jethro34's Avatar
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    So you honestly have had Michigan fans tell you the school you like is inferior all the while you're beating their team by 52 points, which you could do any time you want, with or without sanctions?

    Wow, you must hang out with some retarded Michigan fans (I'm obviously excluded because I would never say that)
    We had subs. It was crazy.

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