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Thread: The New York Knicks draft thread

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    The New York Knicks draft thread

    Current depth chart, as I see it
    PG: Marbury/Robinson/Collins
    SG: Crawford
    SF: Richardson/Chandler/Balkman
    PF: Lee/Jeffries/Rose
    C: Randolph/Curry/James

    This is a team that is still in big trouble. D'Antoni is going to have his hands full because he's got a roster that includes several players that are making so much cash, that he almost has to give them playing time (Marbury, Randolph, Curry, Richardson).

    I'm guessing that the hope is that with some playing time and healthy legs, that some of these guys might muster up some trade value at the deadline.

    Expiring contracts:
    Marbury ($20.8m)
    Rose ($7.6m)

    They've actually got a couple to play with, and they could become more valuable if these two perform on the court, but that's a big if. The Knicks really screwed themselves by giving out so many big ticket player options for next year (Curry, QRich, Crawford, James).

    Another possibility is to just sit tight with these two contracts and let them expire in an effort to free up cap room for some big name free agents in a few years.

    Free agents:
    Fred Jones
    Randolph Morris (R)

    Draft outlook:
    The Knicks have only one pick in the entire draft (#6). They might be tempted to look for a PG of the future, someone that D'Antoni thinks can run his offense. They also might wise to consider a defensive big. The Knicks were last in the league in shot blocking and among the worst teams in defensive FG%. They need a good defender to pair with Zach Randolph.

  2. #2
    The Knicks could use anything really, since nothing they have is worth building around.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I need to shut off any trade talks for the #6 pick at 5pm, even though I'm on the clock until 9pm.

    Just FYI

  4. #4
    Terrible. Wilfredo Ledezma's Avatar
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    So I can't trade Artest then?? How come Jermaine O'Neal can be traded and Artest can't? Both had player options right...

  5. #5
    if oj mayo dropped, this new york would go nuts

  6. #6
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I've had a couple of deals fall through for the #6, but I'm still open to moving it

  7. #7
    I think your pick screwed Sactown big time. They were hoping for Augustine I am sure, and possibly Westbrook (which I think Indiana takes right before them) if he's still there.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  8. #8
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I liked what little I've seen from DJ, and from the research that I did, many "experts" consider him the closest thing to Steve Nash in the draft, which might be comforting for D'Antoni and his system.

  9. #9
    Glenn's Avatar
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    The Knicks would be open to getting back into the 1st round by dealing a current roster player or seven.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    The Knicks would be open to getting back into the 1st round by dealing a current roster player or seven.
    Too bad none of them were worth the first rounder spent on them.

    J/K, they probably have 2-3 players worthy of a roster spot.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

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