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Thread: LLTP: Pistons Mailbag 8.11.08

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    Glenn's Avatar
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    LLTP: Pistons Mailbag 8.11.08

    Special thanks to Keith for clearing up the Valter mystery.

    MONDAY, August 11, 2008

    Chris (Plymouth, Mich.): Do you think it hurts Tayshaun Prince’s trade value because he never appeared in the All-Star game?

    Langlois: Only if there is a preponderance of general managers out there more concerned with selling souvenir jerseys than winning games. Prince was picked to the 12-man U.S. Olympic team – that’s at least as impressive as being picked for the All-Star team and probably moreso for what it says about the beliefs of some very influential basketball men about Prince’s ability to help teams win basketball games. I think Prince’s trade value is considerable. The problem is the Pistons really don’t have anyone else on the roster who’s a full-time small forward with the possible exceptions of Walter Herrmann, whom Flip Saunders thought was a better fit at power forward, and raw rookie Walter Sharpe. So any trade for Prince, unless it’s a multiplayer package, would have to yield a starting small forward in return.

    Kyle (Detroit): I know people have been gushing about Rodney Stuckey, but I like Arron Afflalo. Do you think he will get consistent minutes this year?

    Langlois: Michael Curry loves Afflalo, Kyle. But let’s be fair to Flip Saunders, too. He was more trusting of Afflalo than most coaches are of most rookies – especially rookies drafted late in the first round. I think Afflalo will get more consistent minutes this year simply because he’s better equipped to handle an expanded role this year, not necessarily because of the change in coaches.

    Samantha (Wyoming, Mich.): Are the Pistons still planning on playing a preseason game at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids? That’s the only chance I get to see a Pistons game live and I look forward to it so much.

    Langlois: The preseason schedule will be announced soon, Samantha, but the Pistons announced at last year’s preseason game with Denver at Van Andel that they would return this October to play San Antonio. Keep checking in with Pistons.com for the release of the preseason schedule.

    Moe (Ypsilanti, Mich.): Why can’t Kwame Brown be a Ben Wallace for us? That’s what the team really needs – a player willing to defend and rebound. That was a huge problem for us in the playoffs. Kwame is still a young man and has the talents to be like Ben. Is that possible or is he just too stubborn to play that kind of role?

    Langlois: He doesn’t really resemble Ben Wallace in body type or playing style, Moe – Wallace was a truly unique player whose kind doesn’t come along very often. But Brown came across as pretty genuine last week when he told reporters how happy he was to come to Detroit where his willingness to defend and do the little things would be appreciated. The type of career metamorphosis Wallace had after signing with the Pistons is pretty rare, but it’s not out of the question that Brown can resurrect his career here and become a coveted player again.

    Jerry (Dearborn Heights, Mich.): Is there any chance the Pistons could get a “new look” uniform – not a color change like what happened with the teal and maroon, but just a different design in the traditional colors? I think a small change could help in the mental aspect of turning the corner and I think change is necessary.

    Langlois: I don’t presume to speak for Joe Dumars, but one of his first acts upon assuming the presidency was getting rid of the horse-head design and the teal uniforms and going back to the traditional Pistons uniform like the one he wore when the Bad Boys won back-to-back titles. I think he’d look at the notion of changing the uniforms as a way of getting more inspired play from his players as smacking of desperation and wishful thinking. I suspect any significant changing of the Pistons’ uniforms won’t happen until somebody else is sitting in the big corner office.

    Tobey (Dallas): In retrospect, did our plan of resting the starters throughout the regular season affect the postseason at all?

    Langlois: I can only go by what players like Chauncey Billups and Tayshaun Prince said and they felt fresher down the stretch this season and heading into the playoffs than in years past. At the point Billups hurt his hamstring in Game 3 of the Orlando series, the Pistons were playing superbly. I think you’re going to see the trend continue to an even greater degree next season under Michael Curry, partly because Curry is very bullish on his young players and partly because players like Rodney Stuckey and Amir Johnson are even more ready to help now than a year ago.

    Jason (Kalamazoo, Mich.): Do you suppose Antonio McDyess was a more effective player in the starting lineup as opposed to being the team’s sixth man? If Michael Curry decides to go back to making him a bench player, who would fill in the gap?

    Langlois: I have no reason to suspect Curry is considering bringing McDyess off the bench. Making McDyess a starter last year was a successful move. He handled the extra workload seamlessly and at mid-season told me how surprised he was by how well he took to the transition. At that point, McDyess said it was his preference to remain in the starting lineup. After he broke his nose in the Philadelphia series, he came off the bench and was effective in that role, as well. If, for whatever reason, the Pistons decide to bring McDyess off the bench, Curry would have plenty of credible options. Kwame Brown could start at center with Rasheed Wallace sliding over to power forward. Or they could go with Amir Johnson or Jason Maxiell. It will be interesting to see how playing time gets carved up among five quality big men.

    Alex (Troy, Mich.): Why isn’t Walter Herrmann playing for Argentina in the Olympics?

    Langlois: He was welcome, but he decided after several summers of playing for the national team that it was time to give his body a break. Herrmann has been an integral part of Argentina’s success in international competition, too.

    Ron (Lake Orion, Mich.): If the roster remains the same as it is now, do you think there will be any leftover issues between Rip, Lindsey and Rasheed from the “to hug or not to hug Kevin Garnett” episode before Game 6 of the conference finals?

    Langlois: No. It was addressed in an honest and straightforward manner at the time and didn’t cause a ripple of disharmony even at the time, according to all concerned.

    Rob (Windsor, Ontario): I would love the Pistons to get Gerald Wallace from Charlotte. At the beginning of the summer, there was a rumored package deal with Wallace to Detroit for Tayshaun Prince and Rasheed Wallace. In your opinion, is Gerald Wallace a player Joe Dumars would go after in an effort to shake up the core?

    Langlois: Certainly not at the cost of two of his core four players. I like Wallace, too, but not that much. And Charlotte wouldn’t be so audacious to even ask for Prince and Rasheed Wallace in return.

    Mike (East Lansing, Mich.): I was really looking forward to Joe Dumars shaking up the roster this off-season. Along with changing the team chemistry, as a fan, some new faces would bring real excitement to the regular season. What do you think the chances are of Shawn Marion or Lamar Odom wearing a Pistons jersey next season?

    Langlois: Very unlikely. They both have huge contracts – Marion about $17 million, Odom about $15 million – which means the Pistons would have to trade two good players to get either one to make the salaries match. And they also are both entering the last year of their deals, which means they could walk away next summer in free agency and the Pistons would be left with nothing. I suppose including Rasheed Wallace in the deal would make it a wash, since he’s also due to hit free agency next summer, but dealing Wallace for either of those two players would leave the Pistons weaker up front defensively. Yes, I’m aware that Marion is an elite defensive player, but he can’t guard Dwight Howard or Yao Ming.

    Mike (Detroit): With the minor moves the Pistons have made, do you think their chances are stronger to win the East or are they worse off? And why didn’t Joe Dumars pursue a quality backup for Tayshaun Prince with the likes of Bonzi Wells available as a free agent? Or could they still make a move for him?

    Langlois: I don’t see any room on the roster for him now, Mike, unless Lindsey Hunter surprises the Pistons by deciding not to play one more season. If Hunter signs, he’ll be the 15th guaranteed contract and that should be that. As for a backup for Prince, I remain convinced that the Pistons think the emergence of Rodney Stuckey and Arron Afflalo in the backcourt will allow them to get by as constituted by stealing minutes at small forward with Rip Hamilton while Billups, Stuckey and Afflalo rotate among the two guard positions. And Walter Herrmann gives them another option. Maybe even rookie Walter Sharpe at some point.

    Derek (Southfield, Mich.): I’m curious how Stuckey did against the Olympic squad. Any word on that?

    Langlois: Vice president Scott Perry told me he played well. With Derrick Rose, Jerryd Bayless and O.J. Mayo on the Select Team, apparently they had Stuckey playing off the ball more than as point guard, and that took a little adjustment, but Perry said he played very well on the final day Perry was in Las Vegas watching him.

    Dee (Newport, R.I.): If I were Joe Dumars, I would still try to go after Carmelo Anthony. The Celtics went after Kevin Garnett and got denied a couple of times, then pushed the trade through in late July. I also think we should go after a big man, perhaps Amare Stoudemire or even Dwight Howard.

    Langlois: Dwight Howard is not happening. Not sure why anyone thinks Orlando would be interested in dealing him unless the offer was preposterously good. Stoudemire probably isn’t going anywhere, either. The Suns made their big move by dealing Shawn Marion. I don’t think the Anthony and Garnett comparison is terribly relevant here. Minnesota had pretty much acknowledged it had come to the end of the line and needed to rebuild. Denver isn’t anywhere close to that point and, despite some red flags from Anthony, appears set on using him as the franchise cornerstone. I don’t believe the door is entirely closed on Denver dealing him, but I’d be surprised if it happens this summer. Maybe if the season goes south on the Nuggets and Anthony – who can’t be pleased that the team gave Marcus Camby away – starts publicly venting, they’ll reconsider as the trade deadline approaches.

    Mel (Winston-Salem, N.C.): After all the accolades I read about Arron Afflalo from Las Vegas after Rodney Stuckey went down with the toe injury, I didn’t read one comment about him in Mailbag as to where he will fit – it was all about using Billups and Stuckey in the backcourt with Hamilton sliding over to small forward to give Tayshaun Prince relief. Does Afflalo still have a role?

    Langlois: He sure does. I think we’ve reported consistently over the summer that Michael Curry is Afflalo’s biggest fan. Afflalo is the backup to Hamilton and it’s partly because Curry feels Afflalo is ready to take on more of a role that the Pistons are comfortable thinking they can give Hamilton minutes at small forward as well as shooting guard.

    Jordan (Bloomfield Hills, Mich.): Are we really going to go into the season with no depth behind Rip and Arron at shooting guard? I’m comfortable with every other position, but I worry about what would happen if either of those two, Rip especially, had an injury that kept them out an extended period of time. Is the thinking that Stuckey could probably fill in at the two if Rip or Arron were to be injured?

    Langlois: Billups, Hamilton, Stuckey and Afflalo … that’s tremendous depth and quality. All teams should be so worried about having an All-Star backed by someone as well-rounded and capable as Afflalo. If Hamilton were to go down for an extended period, sure, the Pistons would feel his loss. Any team would feel the effects if an All-Star were unavailable for an extended period. But Afflalo is capable of playing 20 to 30 minutes and Stuckey would take on an even greater load.

    Andre (Windsor, Ontario): What is the chance the Pistons could sign Grant Hill?

    Langlois: Zero. He’s not a free agent. And Phoenix is counting on him to log heavy minutes again as its starting small forward.

    Matthew (Waterford, Mich.): Are the Pistons going to be wearing another retro jersey this year?

    Langlois: Nope. Just the three uniforms this year – the home whites, road blues and alternate reds.

    Preston (Manchester, Tenn.): I keep hearing Joe D is going to play Stuckey and Billups at the same time this season and to me that limits the team’s execution by having overlapping talents on both ends of the court. Dumars traded out of the first round rather than draft D.J. White because he said he was too similar to Jason Maxiell, so now we’re going to play Billups and Stuckey at the same time? They’re a lot alike.

    Langlois: Well, they’re both exceptionally strong point guards with above-average size for the position. Other than, no, they’re not terribly similar players. Stuckey’s strength is breaking down a defense off the dribble; Billups is superb at creating space for himself and then knocking down perimeter jump shots. There’s no reason I can think of that Billups and Stuckey couldn’t be compatible and highly effective in tandem.

    William (Grand Blanc, Mich.): Why do you think it seems to have been difficult for the Pistons to make the moves there were threatened? Is it because Joe Dumars realized it might have been an overreaction?

    Langlois: I don’t think he feels he overreacted. What he said was very calculated – he was using a public forum to smoke out interest from his peers around the league and from the agents of good players who might have been open to being traded to the Pistons. He’s had numerous discussions throughout the summer with many teams. But nothing so far has convinced him that it would be something that would make the Pistons better in the long run. It doesn’t mean something still won’t happen. But, as he also said back in June, he wasn’t interested in doing a deal just for cosmetics. So it also means it’s possible they’ll go to training camp as is.
    Find a new slant.

  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    Chris (Plymouth, Mich.): Do you think it hurts Tayshaun Prince’s trade value because he never appeared in the All-Star game?
    Jerry (Dearborn Heights, Mich.): Is there any chance the Pistons could get a “new look” uniform – not a color change like what happened with the teal and maroon, but just a different design in the traditional colors? I think a small change could help in the mental aspect of turning the corner and I think change is necessary.
    Andre (Windsor, Ontario): What is the chance the Pistons could sign Grant Hill?

    wow.....just wow

  4. #4

    "What is the chance the Pistons could sign Grant Hill?"

    Good lord, get with it, guy.

  5. #5
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    I betcha Andre is Tamia's ex.

  6. #6
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
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    Having an awkward moment just to see how it feels.
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Mxy
    I betcha Andre is Tamia's ex.
    Actually i know her ex...he's married with like 3-4 kids, might be a lil' tough to open that door back up.
    Stalked by a Mod who gives 1 percent credence.

  7. #7
    CLEVELAND'S FINEST Zekyl's Avatar
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    The Valter question was the only one worth reading. The rest killed brain cells.

  8. #8
    Glenn, from now on I need you to color categorize each question, because I don't feel like weeding through all of those questions. Here's the color scale:

    Green: Stupid question, not worth reading.
    Blue: A propaganda question.
    Red: The one (maybe two) questions worth reading.
    Yellow: Any question from a Canadian, like Andre.
    Purple: A question so retarded, it needs to be read.
    Bolded: A question that Evil Keith needs to respond to.

    Thanks in advance.


    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  9. #9
    CLEVELAND'S FINEST Zekyl's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Glenn's Avatar
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