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Thread: What's next for LeBron? (and the Cavs)

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    What's next for LeBron? (and the Cavs)

    Let's try this for a discussion.

    Two aspects: where do you think LeBron ends up next summer (Cavs? Nets? Knicks? Other?) and secondly, what happens to the Cavs franchise if he leaves? They'll have $48m in expired contacts off the books (if they lose Bron and let Shaq and Z walk).

    What do you think?
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  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Here's something to get things started, a column from yesterday by Vecsey where he kind of makes the case for the Bulls as a match for LeBron.

    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    Atticus771's Avatar
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    Oh mercy, the LeBron-MJ comparisons are already bad enough. If LeBron comes here to Chicago, I will have to move back to Michigan to escape.

    I need to ponder the rest...


  4. #4
    If he leaves, the Cavs will be worse than the bulls were when they went after Duncan and other big FA's (all that money and no takers). They don't have the city draw of Chicago, regardless of how much money they'd have. FA's would see that the Cavs had the best player in the league and won no titles. How could they expect better as a lesser player?
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  5. #5
    It all depends on how Cleveland does this year in the playoffs.

    Anything less than a trip to the ECF, in my mind, guarantees he goes elsewhere.

    If he had to choose from going to any one of the Knicks, Nets, or Clippers atm, he'd go with the Nets, buttttt...

    After New York wins the lottery this offseason and takes John Wall, LeBron will will become a PF in D'Antoni's offense.

    The Cavs die.

  6. #6
    Skoopy, doesnt Utah have NY #1?

    I agree with Bill Simmons in that he should go to Clippers, but I see him staying put.
    No other team is any good - none that have money anyway.

  7. #7
    He's going to the Nets.

    Lopez, Yi, CDR, Lebron, Harris is a nice young core plus the Nets would have some more cap space to sign someone else.

    Throw in the move to Brooklyn, Jay Z as owner, the Russian Mob and the NBA needing to do something in NY (cause the Knicks ain't doing it no more) and I say it's almost a done deal right now.

    What becomes of the Cavs? Fuck 'em! They end up trying to rebuild with youth, only to be sold and moved to... wait for it... Seattle!

    The arena issue gets fixed and Stern doesn't wanna look like a cunt so he let's some dude buy the Cavs and the move within 2 years to Seattle.

    This causes a little re-draw of the Divisions, with Minnesota moving to the Central.

    Is that enough predictions?

    Oh, here's another one:

    NEW JERSEY win the Lotto and take John Wall.

    LMAO if any of this happens
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Laxation
    Skoopy, doesnt Utah have NY #1?
    Holy cow, yes they do.

    Jersey/Brooklyn it is.

  9. #9
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I read something on NBA.com yesterday that speculated about him going to the Clippers.

    LeBron, Blake Griffin, Kaman, Baron, playing in LA, the Kobe showdowns and the chance to be the guy that acually made the Clippers into something. There might be something there.
    Find a new slant.

  10. #10
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    I cannot imagine LeBron being a Clipper as long as Sterling owns the team.

    Would you believe Sterling if he said he wanted to build a championship team around you? FUCK NO!

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